Monday, December 10, 2007

Li Min's Birthday @ Friends Cafe Melaka Raya

Before I start 56kers be warned....
Pic here are @ reduced quality, pm me for full res.

Sunday, a place where i passed by many times and did not notice the place was there.... yes i know its sad... Anyway, We are there to celebrate Somebodehs birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to Li Min!!! She is literally inundated by pictures when she came ok it was only me... Time to partay!!!
Anyway, Friends Cafe was a not bad place, nice atmosphere, actually quite liked it when i first went in there.
We never had dinner so it was straight to the menu and took us quite awhile to choose what to eat due to price (you will see what i mean)/too many choice etc etc

Some random shots before we continue.

Lansi look
Edwin acting... errr...'smart' xD, btw, my glasses is not tinted....
Anyways, The food finally came

Chicken Chop
Blink and... this happens :P

Friends grill (Chicken+Hash Browns+Eggs Sunny Side Up) Hamburgers without the bun?
Halfway there....
Admire the cleanliness
Some rice, forgotten the name.
The drinks.
Green Tea literally...Say ahhhh,Aeroplane coming... good boy!

After filling our 'fuel' tanks, cake cutting time!
but before that, mandatory shot of cake.

And ze piece la resistance...

1 comment:

Ariel said...

thanks for the celebration that night^^